Stud male

Born: 22. 10. 2019
Height: 50 cm
Weight: 28 kg

DSC07383web  DSC07428web

Champion of Slovakia, CACIB, BOB, Club winner, Class winner
HD B, ED 0, OCD 0, LTV 0, Spondyl and DISH free(x-ray at 4 y old), BAER bilateral hearing, Scissor bite – 2xP2 missing, PRA prcd N/N, PRA rcd4 N/N, PLL N/N, DM exon2 N/N, NCL5 N/N, NCL12 N/N, Cystinuria II-A N/N
NHAT ( excellent )
Farm dog


Littlewaco You Hush Mr Frog Pavesi High Rolla Pavesi Blue Gambler
Pavesi Skys Th Limit
Yaringah Live To Love U Kombinalong Super Tramp
Yaringah Bonocontention
Dingo Star Famo Clamosa Windwarrio´s Double Ace Jayblue Aussie Salute
Windwarrior´s Sudden Blue Mist
Kombinalong Im Super Ozzie Yaringah Lover Boy
Kombinalong Super Saturday

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